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Environmental Conditioning

Packaging Compliance Labs offers environmental conditioning to simulate temperature and humidity extremes that a packaged-product may encounter during shipment – such as movement between cold, hot, and humid environments.

Common standards used by the medical packaging industry for this purpose include ASTM D4332, ASTM F2825, and ISTA 3A. Environmental conditioning is typically the first step in a broader transit simulation project.

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Package environmental conditioning testing machines

Industry Application

Environmental conditioning is a standard part of conducting a formal transit simulation study. Conducting this simulation provides objective evidence that your packaging can withstand the challenges of a worst-case climate condition during transit. Most standards for environmental conditioning include frozen, tropical (warm/humid) and desert (hot/dry) conditions. After environmental conditioning, the materials may be fatigued, weakened, or more susceptible to damage.

Related tests we provide:

ISTA 2A & 3A

ISTA Transit Testing Simulation

ISTA testing requirements test packaging to ensure it meets the requirements necessary to avoid damage during transit and ensures product integrity throughout the shipping process. ISTA 2A Atmospheric Conditioning includes atmospheric conditioning, compression, fixed displacement or random vibration and shock testing. ISTA 3A Atmospheric Conditioning (for packaged products for parcel delivery system shipments) includes atmospheric pre-conditioning, random vibration with and without top load, and shock testing.